About St Jude The Apostle ELC

Who we are:

We are a dedicated traditional and Confessional Lutheran church meeting in the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. All are welcome to join us.

We are Evangelical– believing and teaching the Good News about God and His plan of Salvation.

We are Biblical– we believe in the Bible as God’s word to the world.

We are Traditional– we hold to the Bible’s teaching in the understanding of the early Christians and practice our faith in the manner of our forefathers, as re-declared in the Lutheran Confession.

We are Community focused– we seek to integrate our Faith with the community in which we live and help it to thrive for the greater good.

We are currently looking for a new place of worship in Melbourne.  We will update the address as soon as possible

Contact:  pastor@redeemercf.worthyofpraise.org